Palaces & Monuments

Palazzo Del Monte


The building is the only one for which you have some news about the construction and author, and is, along with the San Biagio, the architectural references that inspired subsequent architectural works in the city. Contrary to some opinions recurring, this palace is the only building poliziano definitely attributable to Antonio da Sangallo the Elder, thanks to the testimony of Vasari.

Moreover its location on the Piazza Grande, the schematic rigor of the facade, the importance of the customer, Antonio del Monte, and references to the other famous Palace Sangallo in Monte San Savino make it a 'work that definitely has constituted a reference point style in the decades

It seems that the building has suffered as a result of the many changes of ownership, subsequent revisions. the most important is detectable on the top floor, where instead of travertine is used brick, attributed to Scalza that would have carried out around the eighth decade of the sixteenth century.
The hypothesis comes from the fact that in the second half of the sixteenth century, the barefoot is active in the city.

The building is the only one for which you have some news about the construction and author, and is, along with the San Biagio, the architectural references that inspired subsequent architectural works in the city. Contrary to some opinions recurring, this palace is the only building poliziano definitely attributable to Antonio da Sangallo the Elder, thanks to the testimony of Vasari.

Moreover its location on the Piazza Grande, the schematic rigor of the facade, the importance of the customer, Antonio del Monte, and references to the other famous Palace Sangallo in Monte San Savino make it a 'work that definitely has constituted a reference point style in the decades

It seems that the building has suffered as a result of the many changes of ownership, subsequent revisions. the most important is detectable on the top floor, where instead of travertine is used brick, attributed to Scalza that would have carried out around the eighth decade of the sixteenth century.
The hypothesis comes from the fact that in the second half of the sixteenth century, the barefoot is active in the city.
