
Santo Stefano a Cennano


The parish church of Santo Stefano has a basilica with three naves concluding with apses, but only the final part shows the original structure: the last pair of pillars supporting the arches, which rest on the back wall, and three transverse arches, that mark the presbytery.

The facade has a simple gabled, where stands the portal goticizzante, stood out compared to the prospectus and surmounted by a high single lancet. The apse shows, in crowns to small suspended arches, a character pi & ugrave; decidedly Romanesque.

On the right side window bears a conch in a ring with a circular section and figures addressed to a man and an eagle. The belfry & egrave; of the eighteenth century.The parish church of Santo Stefano has a basilica with three naves concluding with apses, but only the final part shows the original structure: the last pair of pillars supporting the arches, which rest on the back wall, and three transverse arches, that mark the presbytery.

The facade has a simple gabled, where stands the portal goticizzante, stood out compared to the prospectus and surmounted by a high single lancet. The apse shows, in crowns to small suspended arches, a character pi & ugrave; decidedly Romanesque.

On the right side window bears a conch in a ring with a circular section and figures addressed to a man and an eagle. The belfry & egrave; of the eighteenth century.
