
Magical ride between Pienza and Montepulciano



Lunghezza del percorso: 29,4 km

Tipologia del fondo: Misto Asfalto/sterrato

Difficoltà: Medio-bassa

It starts from Pienza, Montepulciano towards the SS Reaching 146 and Montepulciano, which is the point of ideal boundary with the area of the Val di Chiana. From here, at the junction of San Biagio, continue to the right towards Chianciano and after about 2 km you leave the main road on the right to take the road that leads to Monticchiello. After passing through St. Charles, take the road on the right that leads down to Monticchiello, one of the most beautiful villages of the Val d'Orcia. The final part concerns the return to Pienza delpercorso along the unpaved county road that passes the farm Lucignanello, directly connects the two towns.It starts from Pienza, Montepulciano towards the SS Reaching 146 and Montepulciano, which is the point of ideal boundary with the area of the Val di Chiana. From here, at the junction of San Biagio, continue to the right towards Chianciano and after about 2 km you leave the main road on the right to take the road that leads to Monticchiello. After passing through St. Charles, take the road on the right that leads down to Monticchiello, one of the most beautiful villages of the Val d'Orcia. The final part concerns the return to Pienza delpercorso along the unpaved county road that passes the farm Lucignanello, directly connects the two towns.
