Between art and wellness in the heart of the Orcia
Lunghezza del percorso: 29,0 km
Tipologia del fondo: Misto Asfalto/sterrato
Difficoltà: Medio-bassa
From the historic center of San Quirico we take the dirt road that leads to Ripa d'Orcia and the old village of Vignoni. After 2 km turn left to climb Vignoni where he began the steep descent into the woods to Vignoni Bath, a small village famous for its thermal baths and the square of water. Bath Vignoni descend to the S.S. 2 where you turn left towards San Quirico and then turn right at the first intersection, which is located towards Spedaletto after 4 km of the plain. A little further on turn left and follow signs to Pienza. The road immediately begins to climb gently to the Renaissance city that deserves a closer look. From here you prosegu on ridge road in just over 9 km connects directly to Pienza San Quirico d'Orcia.From the historic center of San Quirico we take the dirt road that leads to Ripa d'Orcia and the old village of Vignoni. After 2 km turn left to climb Vignoni where he began the steep descent into the woods to Vignoni Bath, a small village famous for its thermal baths and the square of water. Bath Vignoni descend to the S.S. 2 where you turn left towards San Quirico and then turn right at the first intersection, which is located towards Spedaletto after 4 km of the plain. A little further on turn left and follow signs to Pienza. The road immediately begins to climb gently to the Renaissance city that deserves a closer look. From here you prosegu on ridge road in just over 9 km connects directly to Pienza San Quirico d'Orcia.