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Churches and Monasteries

Abbazia di Santa Maria Assunta a Montefollonico (Ruderi)

Torrita di Siena

The foundation of this ancient monastery dates back to 1109, the date carved on what remai...

Abbazia e chiesa della Santissima Trinità di Spineto


Founded in 1085, in 1112 was entrusted to Vallombrosani and in 1627 to the Cistercians who...

Badia a Sicille


Posto tra Petroio e Trequanda, l'antico borgo di "Badia a Sicille" ha origini an...

Cappella della Madonna del Mal di Capo


The chapel links its name to the ancient tradition of resting one’s head on a large ...

Cappella della Madonna del Parto


Lungo la strada che unisce Castelmuzio a Petroio, circa a metà percorso, sorge la c...

Cappella della Madonna dell'Uccellino


The chapel hosts on the wall of the single altar, a mural painting by Sienese School, date...

Cappella di San Michele alla Fratta


The monumental forms of the church next to the Fratta appear singularly contrasting with i...

Cattedrale di San Secondiano


The Cathedral is unique, due to its isolated bell tower, built in 1585, originally a defen...

Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta


The Cathedral was built between 1594 and 1680 and it was solemnly consecrated on June 19th...

Chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Andrea


As can be read in the plaque placed next to the chapel of the SS. Sacramento, the first st...

Chiesa del Convento di San Bernardo


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Chiesa del Gesù


In 1691 Giovan Battista Arrigoni (maybe, originally from Milan) began building the church ...

Chiesa del Santissimo Nome di Maria


In 1586, where there once was a tabernacle with the image of a Madonna, called Querce al P...

Chiesa del Suffragio


The travertine portal, dated 1584, is surmounted by a terracotta lunette, representing &ld...

Chiesa del Triano a Montefollonico

Torrita di Siena

Costruita alla fine del XVI secolo, ha la facciata ornata da paraste angolari a mattoni so...

Chiesa dell'Immacolata

Chianciano Terme

Anciently in this place, there was a hospital, mentioned in 1272. In 1475 a church was bui...

Chiesa della Compagnia dell'Immacolata Concezione


La chiesa è attigua al castello Cacciaconti, e per una parte inglobata nel castello...

Chiesa della compagnia di San Salvatore a Scrofiano


The plaster facade emphasizes the brick decorations, highlighted by three triangular spand...

Chiesa della Compagnia Santa Croce a Farnetella


The church, dates back to the XVIth century. It’s been considerably restored in 1861...

Chiesa della Concezione

San Casciano dei Bagni

It’s a small chapel with a gabled roof and a XVth century travertine portal. A parti...

Chiesa della Madonna della Rosa


Subito fuori dal paese, solitaria in un dolce pianoro, si trova la cappella della Madonna ...

Chiesa di San Francesco


It’s one of the most ancient Franciscan buildings in Italy and it’s the only o...

Chiesa di Santa Croce


It has a single nave and a gabled roof. Its plaster facade is animated by decorative brick...

Chiesa Santa Maria Assunta

San Casciano dei Bagni

This church dates back to 1564. The facade is taller than the roof and it has a well propo...

Collegiata dei Santi Martino e Costanzo a Torrita

Torrita di Siena

L'edificio sacro, il più grande di Torrita, fu costruito nel 1631, e vi fu trasferi...

Collegiata della Santissima Trinità


It was built between the XII and XIII century. Originally it included only one nave, the l...

Collegiata di San Biagio a Scrofiano


The Cathedral of Saint Biagio dates back to the XIIth century, but it was reconstructed in...

Collegiata di San Giovanni Battista

Chianciano Terme

It was built during the first half of the XIII century on top of a previous hexagonal cons...

Collegiata di San Leonardo e Cassiano

San Casciano dei Bagni

The characteristics of the church, typical of the XIIIth and XIVth centuries, brings the v...

Collegiata di San Lorenzo


It dates back to early XIIIth century. It was restored and enlarged in the XVIth century. ...

Collegiata di San Martino


Eretta dal 1588, ha la facciata tripartita da quattro grandi lesene su cui si innesta il t...

Convento di San Bernardino


The Cathedral of Saint Biagio dates back to the XIIth century, but it was reconstructed in...

Convento di San Francesco


Di origine duecentesca, fu ampliata nel XVII secolo dai Francescani. È ancora ident...

Convento di San Francesco


Founded, as tradition suggests, by St.Francis of Assisi, the monastery has endured enlarge...



It was built by Rossellino in 1459. Dedicated to the Assumption, it was constructed on the...

Madonna del Soccorso o Cappella del Serraglio


Built during late XVIth century, it ‘s preceded by a brick portico. The single nave ...

Madonna del sodo


L'oratorio dedicato a santa Maria della Neve, fuori dalle mure castellane, all'entrata del...

Madonna dell'Olivo a Torrita

Torrita di Siena

Venne edificata nel 1425 smantellando l'antica pieve di San Costanzo a Scanello. Agli iniz...

Madonna della Rosa

Chianciano Terme

Testo: Church of the Madonna of the Roses The building was constructed between 1585 and 1...

Madonna delle Fonti a Giano

Torrita di Siena

L'edificio, eretto nel 1665, venne costruito per commemorare un'immagine della Madonna app...

Madonna delle Nevi


It was built during the second half of the XVIIth century. The plastered construction, exh...

Madonna delle Nevi

Torrita di Siena

The church was born and cresciouta the centuries starting from an original tabernacle road...

Monastero di Sant'Anna in Camprena


The monastery of Saint Anne in Camprena is a sacred building, located in Camprena, in the ...

Oratorio della Santissima Trinità


L' Oratorio della Confraternita della Santissima Trinità e di San Bernardino si t...

Oratorio di San Giovanni Battista in Poggiolo a Montepulciano


The building was constructed at the end of the XIIIth century by the Silvestrine Friars. T...

Oratorio di San Regolo


The chapel of St. Regulus at the beginning of the avenue of cypresses leading to Palace Ma...

Oratorio di Sant'Antonio


The Oratory of Saint Anthony, known as Oratory of the Knights of Saint Stephen, is situate...

Oratorio di Sant'Antonio

San Casciano dei Bagni

Adjacent to the Cathedral , the Company of Saint Anthony founded between the end of the XV...

Pieve di Corsignano


This church is located at only a few hundred meters from Pienza, but it’s isolated i...

Pieve di San Michele Arcangelo

San Casciano dei Bagni

It’s one of the most suggestive monuments in San Casciano. The single nave is enrich...

Pieve di San Pietro ad Mensulas


La costruzione si presenta con l'impianto basilicale d'età romanica, con le navate ...

Pieve di Santa Maria delle Grazie a Guazzino


La Pieve di Santa Maria delle Grazie (o alla Castellina in Valdichiana) conosciuta pi&ugr...

Pieve di Santa Maria dello Spino


The parish church of Santa Maria dello Spino is a sacred building that Monticchiello and w...

Pieve di Santa Vittoria


It was the most ancient church of Sarteano, one of the three Romanesque parishes in town. ...

Romitorio di belverde


The Hermitage of Belverde stands at the foot of a rocky travertine cliff, surrounded by ho...

San Bernardino a Castelluccio


The church of Saint Bernardino is a sacred building, located in Castelluccio. Unfortunatel...

San Biagio


The Temple of San Biagio, built on the site of an early Christian church dedicated to Sant...

San Cristoforo a Bettolle


Dove si innalza oggi, solenne e maestosa la chiesa parrocchiale di San Cristoforo, esistev...

San Francesco


According to tradition, the settlement developed after Saint Francis visited the place in ...

San Francesco


The entrance to the Church of Saint Francis is in Bargagli Square. The origin of this chur...

San Giorgio


La chiesa di San Giorgio si trova a Petroio. È l'edificio sacro più antic...

San Giovanni alla Fratta


La Chiesa di San Giovanni era la cappella della comunità della Fratta appartenente ...

San Giovanni Battista a Farnetella


L'edificio, risalente al 1392, ha subito nel tempo vari rimaneggiamenti ed è denota...

San Leonardo a Montefollonico

Torrita di Siena

Ricordata dal 1216, caratterizzata da uno stile di transizione tra il romanico e il gotico...

San Leonardo e Cristoforo a Monticchiello


It was built in the second half of the XIIIth century ( on the bell the year 1292 is engra...

San Leopoldo


The church is privately owned . It’s located next to the Villa, dated early XVIIIth ...

San Marcellino a Rigomagno


Risale all'XI secolo, ma ha subito ingenti rimaneggiamenti agli inizi del Novecento, quand...

San Martino in Foro


The old church dedicated to St. Martin stood in the main square, opposite the town hall. I...

San Michele Arcangelo


It was built in the year 1155, and enlarged and enriched with the sacristy in the year 161...

San Niccolò a Spedaletto


The church of St. Nicholas is a sacred building which is located inside the castle Spedale...

San Paolo converso

San Casciano dei Bagni

Romanesque church, known since 1275, indicated as a baptismal church in 1302-1303. The XIV...

San Piero Apostolo


Testo: Saint Peter Apostle The church has been known since the XIVth century. It presents...



It was built in 1306, thanks to Agnese Segni, lady from Montepulciano. It was radically re...



It was built in 1285 and it was totally restored during the XVth century. The lower part o...



The church is Romanesque with a simple travertine facade, gabled roof and bell tower with ...

Sant'Antonio Abate a Belsedere



Santa Croce a Torrita

Torrita di Siena

Santa Croce venne costruita nel 1642. Si caratterizza per la facciata in cotto rosso con u...

Santa Lucia


La chiesa venne ricavata da un preesistente edificio verso il XII-XIII secolo. L'intern...

Santa Lucia


The plan of the church, that was built in 1653 ,is attributed to Flaminio del Turco. The f...

Santa Maria a Sicille


Costruita nel 1263, ha la facciata a bugne regolari di pietra con il portale architravato ...

Santa Maria ad Balnea o della Colonna

San Casciano dei Bagni

This ancient church was part of the Early Christian parishes, that made up the diocese of ...

Santa Maria Assunta


La chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta si trova a Castelmuzio,nel comune di Trequanda. La chi...

Santa Maria Bambina



Santa Maria dei Servi


It presents a gabled facade, with travertine hewn stones set up in regular files and enric...

Santa Maria della Pace


The church was built in 1925, in neo Gothic style, near the railway depot. The facade pre...

Santa Maria delle Grazie


The facade of the church is preceded by a porch with three arcades ,executed, as the whole...

Santa Maria in Belvedere


According to tradition , It seems that St. Francis retreated to pray in one of the caves o...

Santa Maria Novella


It seems that the origin of the small church dates back to the XIth century; the bell towe...

Sante Flora e Lucilla a Torrita

Torrita di Siena

Chiesa romanica ad una sola navata, Santa Flora e Lucilla è l'edificio di maggiore ...

Santi Pietro e Paolo


La chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo si trova a Petroio. La semplice facciata a bozze irr...

Santissima Annunziata a Torrita

Torrita di Siena

L'edificio venne edificato verso la metà del 1500. La facciata a mattoni ha un t...

Santissima Vergine Maria Assunta in Cielo


La Chiesa, nella sua forma attuale dovuta ad un ampliamento rinascimentale di un edificio ...

Santo Stefano a Cennano


The parish church of Santo Stefano has a basilica with three naves concluding with apses, ...