Corsa delle Brocche Cetona
Corsa delle Brocche
Mobile phone: 328 8734709
When: Primo fine settimana di Agosto
Time: I pomeriggi di Venerdi, sabato e Domenica
Business card (vCard)
The race pitchers & egrave; a special invitation, characterized by synchronism, endurance and physical strength. The event begins with a parade followed by the test female, women bring pitchers in the head, making the rounds of the square Garibaldi. In the men's race, three participating districts; It leads to Latere, Castle Gate and Port Capperoni, the district that will have & agrave; He did the first lap with the pitcher pi & ugrave; will have heavy & agrave; then right to the pi & ugrave; light. Four & quot; runners & quot; for each district, divided in pairs, will travel to relay the circle of the walls, leading to hand the pitchers of different weights, representing the fatigue which in past centuries, the inhabitants were for water supply.