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008 Tarsia pavimentale della navata sinistra - Sibilla Frigia
Artist: Benvenuto di Giovanni
Year: 1483
Current location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Original location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
The table that accompanies it is possible to learn this sibyl, of which there is little information in general, prophesied to Ancyra. Attributed to Benvenuto di Giovanni (1483, like the others in this area), is dressed in a way that we can assume the artist intended for clothing or Phrygian semiorientale. With your left hand holding up a little book open that bears the inscription: solus sum deus et non est deus alius ("I am the only God and there is no other God.") His right hand, draws attention to a plaque on two lyre-shaped supports, among which appear torsos and heads of nude figures of petitioners, which seem to emerge from a grave. Still inscription reads: tuba de caelo vocem luctuosam emitet tartareum chaos ostendet dehis cens land veniet to the tribunal reges omnes deus ipse iudicans pios simul et impios tunc denum im pios in ignem et tenebras Mittet here autem pietatem tenet iteru Vivent ("The trumpet emit a sound from heaven funeral. opening the earth will see the chaos Tartarean. All the kings appear before the judgment seat of God God judging both the pious and the wicked, and only then will throw the wicked into the fire of darkness. Those who retain righteousness, will live again "), referring to the Last Judgement. The traditional attribution indicated as authors Louis Ruggiero and Vito di Marco, most likely they were the mere executors of the project.
008 Tarsia pavimentale della navata sinistra - Sibilla Frigia