TRIA TURRIS, Palio delle Torri Chiusi
TRIA TURRIS, Palio delle Torri
53043 CHIUSI, via Lavinia, 2
When: fine giugno - inizio Luglio
Tria Turris, organized by the Terzieri of Chiusi, is divided into three intense days, usually on the last weekend of June, the feast of the Patron Saint Mustiola. Within the Strong, in the heart in the historical center of Chiusi, it is rebuilt a great camp at the end of 1300, where jesters, musicians, theater companies, fire-eaters, knights, flag-wavers, archers and taburini Park will accompany visitors in a ceaseless whirl of spectacular and artistic events making him an unforgettable journey through the stories of the past. Battles, tournaments, banquets, craftsmen of the past, challenges between terzieri (including the characteristic Tripartica, a historical football anything manhole), a big parade along the alleys of the village, all to get to the Palio delle Torri, traditionally scheduled Sunday of the festival, where ten